Awards and honorable mentions

2021 Laureate of Orły Kształcenia (Eagles of Education) Award (prestigious Polish award for the best educational facilities) as educational institutions that focus on the development of services and meeting our users’ requirements.

2021 – Honorable mention together with GD Events in the category “Nature” in the competition ”Słoneczniki” 2021” for the most developmental initiative in Warsaw. BioCEN and GD Events have been awarded for science educational project – interactive comic „Be the Health Hero”, which giving children some science and art tools to understand processes connected to COVID-19 pandemic. Organizer: Czas Dzieci (Kids’ Time).

2021 Nomination together with GD Events in the category “Logic” in the competition ”Słoneczniki 2021” for the most developmental initiative in Warsaw. Organizer: Czas Dzieci (Kids’ Time).

2020 the finalists for Popularyzator Nauki 2020 Award competition nominated in the Team category.  Popularyzator Nauki, organised since 2005, is the oldest and most prestigious competition in Poland, which awards scholars, people of the media, institutions and social activists, whose passion is to share knowledge and reveal the mysteries of contemporary science in an accessible way. Organizers: Science of Poland, Polish Press Agency in collaboration with Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland.

2019 – Nomination in the category “Nature” in the competition ”Słoneczniki” 2019” for the most developmental initiative in Warsaw. Organizer: Czas Dzieci (Kids’ Time).

2019 – Nomination in the category “Logic” in the competition ”Słoneczniki 2019” for the most developmental initiative in Warsaw. Organizer Czas Dzieci (Kids’ Time).

2013 – Certificate of Appreciation from the Organizational Committee and the Educational Picnic of the Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre for perpetual desire to share knowledge, faithfulness to true ideals of science and brave decisions that change the world.

2010 – The title of a “Place of Talent-Spotting 2010” awarded by the Ministry of National Education, in the framework of The Year of Talent-Spotting, for the foregoing activity of BioCEN aiming at upgrading and raising the level of education of the Polish youth in the range of natural sciences, especially biology.

2007 –The PTG Award given by the Polish Genetics Society to the Science Festival School (BioCEN’s former name) for its outreach activities in the years 2004-2006.

2006 – The title of “Popularizer of Science 2006” in the competition of the Polish Press Agency and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in the category: Journalist, Editorial Office, or Non-Scientific Institution, awarded to the Science Festival School (BioCEN’s former name). Editor Wiktor Niedźwiecki was the recipient of an equivalent award in this category.